Zuschnitt - Sägen / Kappsägen

Automatic cross cut saw KP 500A

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Daten Übersicht

Kategorie:Zuschnitt - Sägen / Kappsägen
Fabrikat:Störi Mantel
Typ:KP 500 Automat


Störi Mantel Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, CZ, Tel.: +420 571 116 934


Preis in €:auf Anfrage

Verfügbarkeit & Standort

Standort:Czech Republic
Verfügbar:3-4 month

Angebot Details

Inserat Link:https://www.maschinen-fuer-holz.de/plattform/m126355/maschine.html
Aktualisierung:2023-12-14 12:27:40
Interne Nummer:KP500 Automat


Maschinen Beschreibung/technische Daten

Cross-cut saw KP 500 Automat is a suitable solution for the preparation of beams and plates in the production of pallets and other wooden packaging products. It was designed to replace a heavy physical work, eliminate operator’s errors, was able to fast change of shortened lengths in the significant variability of orders and could also handle a wide range of input lengths. All this together brings significant material saving, often up to 25% time saving on material processing units and last but not at least far more comfortable and safer work for the operator. Of course, there are security features that ensure the security of work on the rip saw. The machine fulfils the strictest demands on the protection of work follows from relevant EC regulations and directives.

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Anbieter & Kontakt

Störi Mantel 75661 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, CZ, Tel.: +420 571 116 934

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